Expert: No food shortages in China, meat & soybean imports...

"Other things can wait, but medicine, medical supply and food cannot wait. If you wait, people will die," he stressed. "Many countries have begun to restrict rice exports...

喜欢上咖啡,是始于墨尔本。 那是二十年前,我第一次来澳,住在墨尔本,日子过得寂寥漫长,经人介绍认识了老蒋,老蒋未来澳之前是上海一家译报的付主编,学识渊博英语流利。那天我们一起去看电...

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."这句话是每一个喜欢《阿甘正传》的人都能背出的一句话,它的中文意思是:人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道...

1. Would you like to have something to drink? 你想不想喝点什么? 2. What would you like to buy? 你想买什么? 3. Would you like to dance with me? 您愿意跟我跳支舞吗? 会话记忆 A: Would you like some cake? I made it myself...

“候机楼”被翻译成“Hou Machine Building”,“请在一米线外等候”被翻译成“Please wait outside a noodle”,“老弱病残孕专座”被直译为“Seats for the old,the weak,the sick,the crippled,the pregnant”……日常生活中,你是否也曾见过类似的“奇葩翻译”呢,不...

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